e-ISSN: 2148-0842
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

2021, Sayı 91, No, 2     (Sayfalar: 037-042)


Dr. Ali BÖREKCİ 1 ,Dr. Ahmet ÖĞRENCİ 2 ,Dr. Sedat DALBAYRAK 2

1 Fatih Sultan Mehmet Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul
2 Okan Üniversitesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul

Görüntüleme: 1022
İndirme : 345

Neuromuscular scoliosis (NMS) is the second most common spinal deformity following idiopathic scoliosis. The two common causes of the NMS is cerebral palsy (CP) and duchenne muscular distrophy (DMD) respectively. Progressive spinal deformity leads to difficultes of daily care, walking and sitting. If the deformity is more than 40-50 degrees, surgical correction and stabilization must be evaluated. In the current literature there is no consensus on the surgical approaches (combined anterior-posterior or posterior-only). Most important tasks for patients are, assuring the function, providing easy daily care, ensuring adequate pain relief. Directing patient to a advanced spine center in an early aspect is mandatory to provide early and multidisciplinary management.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Duchenne muscular distrophy, Fusion, Growing rod, Neuromuscular scoliosis, Pelcik oblicity, Cerebral palsy